A message from our leaders

An Annual Report is always about two things – where you are, and where you’re going. The thrust of this Annual Report is where SickKids is going – what’s next.

Hence our theme: ‘Then/Now/Next’.

The last 10 years have opened up tremendous possibilities in children’s health. There have been huge advances in genetics, regenerative medicine, robotics, medical imaging, and information technology. SickKids has been part of all of them, and all of them create opportunity for SickKids. We’re on the cusp of taking on, and winning against, the greatest remaining challenges in child health. Change and growth, both inside the Hospital, and outside the walls, are necessary. Momentum is building.

SickKids: Two Presidents, One Future

The last 10 years have opened up tremendous possibilities in children's health.
As we change and grow, we will forge new partnerships. We will work with our community in new ways. But most vitally, we’ll look to our donors and partners – who make what’s extraordinary about SickKids possible.

Our donors and partners deserve our thanks for a SickKids ‘then’ that’s rich and deep: because of you, we’ve been at the forefront of child health since 1875. You deserve thanks for our ‘now’: world-leading medical expertise, delivered with compassion. And we ask you to join us in being as excited, engaged, and committed to a SickKids ‘next’, as we are.

The following pages highlight our financial reports, our boards, and our benefactors. Patient care, research and education stories paint a picture of the year’s achievements – where we we are now. But as you read, we ask you to think ahead, about where our momentum will take us. SickKids will define what’s next in children’s health care.