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How can I get a copy of your annual report?

Download our annual reports from our Publications and Financials section.

What protocols are in place to ensure both donors and fundraisers are kept safe?

Health and safety for all is the top priority and we want to ensure our community is protected.

Any time our SickKids fundraisers speak to the public, they are closely following public health guidelines which means staying 2 metres away, wearing a mask, using hand sanitizers frequently and not sharing any materials or devices during the sign up process.

The fundraisers have been trained on how to engage with the public safely while speaking to the importance of raising much needed funds to build a new, safer SickKids. Canvassers who are fundraising in green, yellow and orange zones also reside in those communities.

What is the sign-up process like?

Once you decide to become a monthly donor, the fundraiser will fill out your contact information on their tablet which will be sent to our partner, Globalfaces Direct.  The canvassers will call the  verification call center and hand the phone to the donor to speak to the agent and collect payment details in order to process the donation. They will confirm your intent to become a monthly donor.  When completed, you should receive a text message from the canvasser thanking you for your donation followed by a confirmation email.  The whole process should take about 15 minutes. 

Do fundraisers receive commission?

SickKids Foundation adheres to the Imagine Canada guidelines for compensation in the not-for-profit sector and is an accredited member of their standards program. Our fundraisers are compensated with an hourly wage. To learn more about Imagine Canada and their standards, please visit

What do I receive when I sign up to become a monthly donor?

New donors are mailed a Welcome Package and should receive it within two weeks. Any donation that involves a minimum of $30/month, allows SickKids to give a turtle to a child at the Hospital. If you provide your email, you will receive a confirmation email, updates on how your donation is helping, and our e-newsletters throughout the year. 

How can I be sure this fundraiser represents SickKids?

SickKids provides each fundraiser with the following:  

  • ID badge with photo, full name and fundraiser ID #. (Trainees are given a “Professional Fundraiser Trainee” badge with no photo, full name or fundraiser ID #).
  • SickKids branded lanyard 
  • SickKids branded iPad bag containing a tablet
  • SickKids Patient Postcards (for monthly donations of $30 or more)
  • SickKids Laminate with information about our fundraising
  • SickKids Welcome Packages
  • SickKids Bookmarks
  • Weather permitting, SickKids branded winter jacket (optional), SickKids summer golf shirt (optional), toques and branded winter gloves.

 If further verification is required, you may contact SickKids Foundation at 1-800-661-1083 or

Do I receive anything for becoming a monthly donor?

Yes, a Welcome Package with a donor bead bracelet, welcoming you to SickKids will be mailed within 2 weeks

Why does SickKids use a third party to collect donations in the mall?

Running a year-round mall fundraising program requires an extensive amount of resources and expertise. Our mall partner, Public Outreach Consultancy Inc., helps us raise much-needed dollars for the highest priority needs of the Foundation.