Donor Spotlight | Week of March 11


V-Line International


V-Line International is a professional medical beauty Institution. With clinics located in North America, Asia and Europe, we focus in four areas: Cosmetic Clinics, Laboratories, Cosmetic Dentistry and Genome Wellness Centers.


V-Line International is proud to be SickKids’ Glitter Diamond Sponsor since 2018. Together, we create a better future of our children.



Ontario Power Generation (OPG)


OPG’s employees and Pensioners’ Charity Trust are proud to support SickKids. Last year, SickKids' incredible work inspired our donations and special events across the province, including: pancake breakfasts, samosa sales, chili cook-offs, lotteries, lunches, raffles, and toll gates.


The miracles you perform, big and small, day after day, give us all hope.