Donor Policies and Public Representation

1. The charity prepares and issues official Income Tax receipts for monetary gifts and for gifts-in-kind pursuant to any policy established and published on minimum amounts to be receipted and in compliance with all regulatory requirements. The charity will acknowledge in writing contributions not entitled to be officially receipted, subject to any policy established and published on minimum amounts to be acknowledged.


SickKids Foundation: All gifts are eligible for a tax receipt from SickKids Foundation. Gifts received by mail or in person over $20 receive a paper receipt. Online donations receive e-receipts for amounts of $10 or more.

Receipts Issued, Online Gifts One Time, Within 10 business days, Within one hour.  Monthly After conclusion of calendar year; mid-February, After conclusion of calendar year; mid-January


2. All fundraising solicitations by or on behalf of the charity disclose the charity's name and the purpose for which funds are requested. Printed and on-line solicitations (however transmitted) will include its address or other contact information.


SickKids Foundation: All fundraising solicitations by or on behalf of SickKids Foundation disclose the SickKids Foundation name and the purpose for which funds are requested. Printed and on-line solicitations include the SickKids Foundation logo and address.


3. The charity provides the following information promptly upon request:


a. the charity's most recent annual report and financial statements as approved by the governing board

b. the charity's registration number (BN) as assigned by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)

c. any information contained in the public portion of the charity's most recent Charity Information Return (form T3010A) as submitted to CRA

d. A copy of the Charity's Investment Policy relating to its investable assets, if applicable (see C8);

e. A list of the names of the members of the charity's governing board

f. A copy of this Ethical Fundraising and Financial Accountability Code.


SickKids Foundation: Copies of all material listed above are available in print and electronic formats. Requests for these documents can be made by contacting Donor Inquiries at 416-813-6166 or by email to


4. The charity or those fundraising on its behalf will disclose, upon request, whether an individual or entity soliciting contributions is a volunteer, an employee or a contracted third party.


SickKids Foundation: All employees and contracted third party fundraisers (e.g. direct dialogue and door-to-door fundraisers) have photo identification cards bearing the SickKids Foundation logo. Anyone can call Donor Inquiries at 416-813-6166 to confirm if an individual is a legitimate volunteer fundraiser.


5. The charity will encourage donors to seek independent advice if the proposed gift is a Planned Gift and/or the charity has any reason to believe that the proposed gift might significantly affect the donor's financial position, taxable income, or relationship with other family members.


SickKids Foundation: Our fundraising practices adhere to professional codes of conduct including those of the Association of Fundraising Professionals and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, and the Law Society of Ontario. In situations where SickKids Foundation has reason to believe the proposed gift might significantly affect the donors' financial position, taxable income, or relationship with family members, the individual is encouraged to seek independent advice.


6. The charity will honour donors' requests to remain anonymous in respect to:


a. being publicly identified as a supporter of the organization; and/or

b. having the amount of their contribution publicly disclosed.


7. The privacy of donors will be respected. Any donor records that are maintained by the charity will be kept confidential to the greatest extent possible. Donors have the right to see their own donor record, and to challenge its accuracy.


SickKids Foundation: Foundation employees sign employment agreements with confidentiality provisions as a condition of hire. Safeguards are in place to ensure that the information is not accessed, disclosed or shared more widely than is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was gathered. The Foundation also takes measures to ensure the integrity of this information is maintained and to prevent its being lost or destroyed. Individuals may access their personal information to ensure that it is correct and current. The Foundation's privacy policy is available on request and is easily found on the SickKids Foundation's website:


8. If the charity exchanges, rents, or otherwise shares its fundraising lists with other organizations, a donor's request to be excluded from the list will be honoured.


SickKids Foundation: As part of our Privacy Policy, SickKids Foundation does not sell, rent, or trade our donor lists.


9. Solicitations by or on behalf of the charity will treat donors and prospective donors with respect. Every effort will be made to honour their requests to:


a. limit the frequency of solicitations;

b. not be solicited by telephone or other technology;

c. receive printed material concerning the charity;

d. discontinue solicitations where it is indicated they are unwanted.


SickKids Foundation: The Donor Services team at SickKids Foundation responds to all requests from donors and the general public. All requests are directed to the appropriate fundraising team.


10. Recognition is provided pursuant to the Foundation's Donor Recognition Naming Policy and Process.


SickKids Foundation: Signed gift agreements are approved by all parties to the agreements and maintained in a central database.


11. The charity will respond promptly to a complaint by a donor or prospective donor. 


SickKids Foundation: All inquiries about the participation of SickKids Foundation in the Imagine Canada Accreditation Program shall be returned promptly.