A hospital doesn’t have to feel like a hospital. Make an impact at SickKids through goods and services.
Donations of money really help transform child health. But so do donations of goods and services to support fundraising events and campaigns. From catering, to media asset transfers, to pet treats, and everything in between, your gift of goods or services enhances our participants’ experience and contributes more funds towards our fight for child health.

These gifts may be used to encourage further fundraising, help share our message with a new audience, and invite others to help fund our fight for every kid to be healthy.
To learn more about the Goods and Services policies at the Hospital, please visit The Hospital for Sick Children website or contact our donations coordinator: 416-813-8787 or donations.coordinator@sickkids.ca. Please note, for health and safety reasons, SickKids is very careful about what we can accept.